Launching a centralised platform of ESG scores for EU companies.

Launching a centralised platform of ESG scores for EU companies.


Collecting and analysing ESG (environmental, social & governance) data enables organisations to identify areas of improvement and implement strategies to enhance their sustainability performance. The goal was to build a web-based platform where ESG data of companies are sufficiently available without any inconsistency and companies don’t control who can access their data to prevent data manipulation.

My tasks
UX Design
Visual Design
Interaction Design
Design System

Service designer
UX designer (me)

2022 – 2023



Identifying problems

Part 1

1. Uploading Data

Uploading complex datapoints goes through many challenges and to understand them better, I conducted a qualitative research.

research plan

Screenshot of the research plan that I made with another designer.

Key insights from research

Low-error data input

Data entering mistakes also happen with trained analysts who are monetarily incentivised.

Automation & Guidance

Automation & Guidance

Data is unstructured and evolving and automation can help in structuring but high-quality data is always a human decision.


Data providers identity should be protected for removing company’s influence.

Data providers identity should be protected for removing company’s influence.

How might we enable a process for clean data upload?


Task flow for data upload process. Green highlights indicate unknown information where we made assumptions to move forward.

Assumptions were made to move forward as we didn't have all the answers in the data collection/upload taskflow.

1. The money generation for data provider will be based on the number of datasets they provide.

2. The status of the dataset should be present so that they can track the progress with their dataset portfolio.

7co creation

Co-creation session with data uploaders/owners revealed the followings:

1. Quality check criteria should be in place

2. Data provider reputation depends on data upload quality

3. Automated check for data like location and history should be put in place

Thinking through prototypes philosophy

The low-fi prototypes were used to bring internal stakeholders onboard with the concepts and raise conerns if they see any.

1. They fine-tuned the missing information

2. They helped us add features like PDF download and error handling

7thinking through prototypes

A page from data upload process.

The designed upload form

7upload dataset process old company

Design recommendations made in the upload form as a result of qualitative research.

1. Currency unit: Aftering entering the amount, the currency had to be selected to make sure the entry is right. Friction was increased to prevent erroneous entry.

2. Saving drafts: Saving data upload versions so that the process can be continued with breaks.

3. Grouping similar contents: Grouping the datapoints with similar category to contextual data entry.

4. Error state in real-time: Real-time processing of data was done to prevent incorrect format of data entry.

5. Commenting: Adding comment to datapoints so that the QA can be more careful before processing them.

Part 2

2. Displaying Data

The table in XML files are complicated and they need to be presented in a simpler manner which can be scanned but should also be presented in depth if need be.


Screenshot of an excel table which needed to be displayed for better comprehension.

Building from the scratch

The project was starting from a whiteboard and I with another designer charted out a service blueprint of the envision product with internal stakeholders during multiple sessions. This led to the following:

1. A shared understanding of the project

2. Parts where design, developement and compliance play crucial roles

3. Helped prioritise what we can deal faster and what are the potential blockers in the future

3Service Blueprint v1.2

The service blueprint helped us with the points mentioned above.

Key finding

We identified that user persona like Financial Analysts can like to search for the company data (expert user) and another persona like Sustainability Leaders (novice user) prefer glancing through companies data for comparison and overview.


Using a metaphor of layers, the concept revolves around presenting data as much as the user needs it. The two personas a) Financial Analysts who like to have deeper understanding of the companies b) Sustainability Leaders who like to monitor their competitors on a surface level.


Using search as ‘Layer 1’ 

We idenitfied that users like Financial analysts want a company’s data quickly for their portfolio management. They are already aware of what companies they are interested in. Checking their data on the platform is validation of the knoweldge they might have already. Presenting a table with all the companies with a robust 'Search' made it possible to get to the result as quickly as possible.


A search bar for users to quickly get to the company they want to know the data of.

6search typeahead 3

The typeahead search feature in action.

6search A results 3

Result of companies when a user search with a letter.

Using filters as ‘Layer 2’

Company sustainability leader would track other company’s ESG score to stay ahead in the competition by drilling down to specific business needs. The filters on the table enables them to get an overview within their industry, demographic, the ESG framework to stay ahead of their competition.


Displaying Data (adding layers)


We developed a platform for ESG data of companies that was transparent and accessible to key personas. The main focus was given to accessing the ESG data in depth, clearly and quickly. Moreover, it had avenues to challenege the presented data in case of identifying errors.


Animating company's detailed data page

6company page hierarchy

Importance of info on the page upon landing:
1. Company info 2. Company data 3. Company operation 4. Statsland operation

6company page2

The company report page upon landing.

6company page hierarchy collpased

Change of importance in info on the page upon scrolling:
1. Company data 2. Company operation 3. Company info 4. Statsland operation


The shift in hierarchy when a user scrolls.


Snackbar with the download completion info as a user can goto another part of the platform.


Micro-interaction upon saving the report.

Acquisition strategies

 1. We offered users a taste of what they can receive—free sample data on the homepage.


2. Once a user is viewing the sample data, show that they can join for free and view the number of people who are already on the platform.


3. Share a report of a company you’re viewing to other if you have a Statsland account

13Share data

The design system

With the scaling workflows, it was important that the design library had consistent behaviour and visual design.

19Design system
19Design system 2

The development process

We constantly worked with the developers for smooth hand-offs and create a scrum methodology for development-ready design files. I'd leave comments in the development files for the developers explaining the interactions and behaviours. Furthermore, I’d audit the platform and check for consistency of implementation with the design files. We would take a screenshot, add the comments and also keep the associated design file for their reference. We would do this after communicating over our weekly call.

Screenshot with comparions for developers to make the necessary changes.


I left comments in the development files for the developers explaining the interactions and behaviours.


  • Launched a product in the marketplace

  • Successfully validated design concepts and hypotheses

  • Onboarded stakeholders with design decisions while balancing business goals

  • Worked with engineers to align on development and design

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